This includes fertilizing too much, too often or at the wrong time. It can also mean using the wrong fertilizer such as one too high in Nitrogen. Lawns get their nutrition directly from the soil as a byproduct of soil organisms or added as a fertilizer. Healthy soil is full of organisms that work together with your grass benefiting each other.

Over fertilizing can either kill the grass directly or kill or injure your soils natural occurring organisms.

What do the 3 sets of numbers mean on a bag of fertilizer? When you see numbers such as 10-10-10, these three numbers refer to the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium components in the fertilizer. It is important to use a balanced fertilizer that provides relatively equal amounts of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium.

Nitrogen (N) is responsible for rich, lush growth and a healthy, dark, green color.

Phosphorus (P): is important in the development of roots and speeds plant maturity.

Potassium (K): helps promote strong roots and is involved in maintaining a proper water balance within the plant. It also aids in disease resistance.

Planning a new lawn? See your Vancouver, WA sod farm, Far West Turf Farm and Nursery.